Spring Cleaning With Meaning

Spring cleaning is a great time to clear out anything that is no longer serving you so you can make way for new ideas, perspectives, intentions, and desires.

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Spring cleaning is a great time to clear out anything that is no longer serving you so you can make way for new ideas, perspectives, intentions, and desires. To make we this process a little more enjoyable, we suggest first setting the mood for the space you are about to tackle. Put on your favorite upbeat song and diffuse a relaxing essential oil blend to calm your mind and keep you relaxed throughout the process. Here are our top cleaning and organizing tips from our friends Brooke and Taylor at Relax and Revamp.

Deep Cleaning

Pick one space a week and tackle it. What spaces need the most work? Add those in between easier spaces! These spaces can be as simple as one cabinet. If a full room or closet is too overwhelming- simplify it.

Junk Drawer 

Look through that dreaded junk drawer. We all have them but try a seasonal clean out so they don’t get too out of hand!

Think Green

Think Green while cleaning/organizing! What small ways can you add a more “clean green” change in your home? Nontoxic products, more glass less plastic, etc.


Go through your pantry and refrigerator. Wipe down the shelves, and throw away any old items. You’ll be amazed how many items you’ll find have been expired for months.. OR YEARS!  Maximize cabinet space in your home with turntables or risers – these are great for items like hair care, spices, oils, etc.


When was the last time you cleaned out your kiddos closet? Or your own? Pull everything out. Wipe down the drawers and shelves. Start with clothes, then shoes, then accessories. Sort items into donate, sell, or trash piles. If your closet is too small to functionally hold all your belongings, try creating a seasonal storage method.


Go through your cosmetics drawer or medicine cabinet and throw away any expired items. If you have organizing inserts in your drawers and find that they are constantly sliding around, use “museum glue” from the container store or Velcro to secure them in their places!


Cleaning Hack- if you’re contemplating if you should hold onto something and you have not used it in the past 6 months to 1 year- donate, sell, or purge it. Don’t over think it, you won’t miss it!

Cleaning Hack- if you have sticky residue from stickers, labels, etc you can use a citrus essential oil blend and rub it on the affected area with a towel and it’ll come right off!

TIPS BY: Christina Long with WE3 Dwellings

PHOTOGRAPHY | Jordan Mobley

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